
Simply Put, “You Can’”

 The Most Beautiful Writing I Have Done and The Truest Words I’ll Ever Speak I think this is worthy to read.  A very special couple that I had the true honor to meet last night pointed out somethings in these pictures that I had not given much thought to. Sometimes you just need a different prospective  to see what years of pain and heartache can sometimes erase from your memory. I remember this day like it was yesterday “My Beautiful Wedding Day” and I smile in my heart at what I see and years of what I have felt. Grief takes you through many emotional roller coasters giving you highs and lows that make you think your going to drown, In reality so does life. You will hit many highs an lows through a lifetime some will make you feel like your drowning in sorrow, others will make you think your walking on air. Grief actually is no different other than walking on this side of the road gives a whole new meaning to what that side does. It gives you the true desires of your heart over here

January 14, 2014 Update

 Please be in prayer for some very special ladies that are having to say goodbye to their precious mother tonight. I have loved these girls since our first day in SICU and they have become my family. Life takes you to amazing places and you gain special people in your life that teach you a lot and Rhonda and Robin you have done just that. You have been my sounding board on days I had no hope but tonight you have hope that your precious mom has Heaven to gain though our hearts be troubled. We pray for peace and comfort in your time of pain. I love you both and can't thank you enough for being a friend in my journey and I ask everyone to whisper a word to Our Father for comfort from these girls. All our strength Cometh in the Morning.

January 14, 2014

Guess where my husband is he is in a chair today and I am so happy. I have missed it because I was at work but I am praising God for his improvements. It is such a blessing to know he is getting better. We have not spine to him about going to rehabilitation for a while so that will be our second argument ever haha but at least he can look at me and roll his eyes. He will not want to go because he only says with his lips all the time "Go Home". Well we have a little traveling before that can happen but at least we are going forward with this journey. I will keep you posted on telling him about rehab and physical therapy later but I just want to say thank you to all of you for the prayers and concern you have showed us and how blessed I am to have you walking with us Through This Storm! Our strength Cometh in the Morning. Thank you our Amazing Lord!!!

January 13, 2014

 What a day!! Amazingly I saw my husband today, and it was such a blessing. He has been awake all day they came in done therapy with him, and he has improved 100 % from yesterday. What a God we serve, he is mighty. I left the hospital last night with all hope gone, and God shows up and does amazing things, brings a new day and Philip was wide awake this morning at the 8:30 visit and all the visits through out the day. At 8:30 tonight he was worn out, but still good, he gets a little bit panicky when you tell him you will be back at a certain time and they don't open the doors right on time, he is upset. He is scared back there all alone, and wants us to be with him, which is so understandable. It was different when he was on so much medication but they have pulled back on so much he stays awake more. I am so grateful to see my husbands eyes to feel him touch my face and read his lips saying "I love you", thank you God for these times. Our mountains are very high, and I kn

January 13, 2014 AM Post

 It's a new day, and praise the Lord for the rest my body needed. I am yet so tired, but strength comes everyday. I am sorry for the break down last night, but this is kind of what this page is for, I need to be able to go back and see where i have been all the while praising God for taking us where he will. Thank you all so much for your kind words and love and prayers, it is my strength. Today is the beginning of a new day and God has got this. Praying for 24 hours off the vent, then 24 more hours, we can do this. I want him to be off the vent so we can go forward in this process. I told the doctor yesterday I thought he had improved, but he just looked at me and said to please don't get my hopes up this will be a very long and trying journey. My pastor tells me a little different story, so lets go with Pratt's version of the Lord's confirmation today. God has got this. My strength cometh in the morning. Amen

January 12, 2014 3rd post

 I scream out loud tonight, but no one hears me but my father. the frustration of no being able to understand what he says, gets to him and his agitation goes back up and back to the vent he goes. I question maybe I should just not go for the 48 hours and maybe without seeing me he will stay calm and come off the ventilator permanently, but how do I not go? He would think I don't care and I don't love him. He got mad threw the paper across the room and points to the door, all the while I cry and cry inside myself. How Oh Lord how do we get past this. Will he ever forgive me for this trach or will I ever forgive myself for allowing them to put it in? Did I do everything right, help him Lord Jesus to see that all these things can be removed and have some of his life back, please Lord I'm begging you hear my plea. <3 My strength cometh in the Morning.

January 12, 2014 2nd post

 I sit here and look around at many troubled people that sit in this ICU waiting room not knowing if their love ones will make it or what shape they will be in. I witnessed the passing of a lady today that got the flu and several day into it she developed a heart attack and lack of oxygen and passed away today. I ask that everyone please remember this special family that tonight is so heart broken. I realized I am blessed because I still have Philip with me and he has been off the vent almost all day so that in itself is a miracle. He will have to be off for 48 hours before he can be moved to a room so we can be with him. In that 48 hours he must remain calm and not agitated so please be in much prayer for him. I am thinking about how life has changed and how easy it would be to give up but God is my strength and that is not an option for me, God is my sanity my breath my will to go on and I know it will all be worth it in the end. It is almost the last visitation for the night and tho